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Health Education for Factory Workers

FMCH Indonesia is working in collaboration with the HER project  to provide health education for female factory workers in several different locations across Indonesia.


Many women who work in factories are young and have received little or no formal education. The have limited knowledge around health and often lack access to essential health services and products. Myths and misconceptions, especially around reproductive health, can lead to unhealthy behaviour. Consequently many low-income women and their children have an increased risk of contracting various diseases.


FMCH Indonesia, known locally in Indonesia as Yayasan Balita Sehat, implements HER-health programmes for women working in garment factories in the Greater Jakarta area of Indonesia (Jabodetabek), as well as West Java, Central Java and East Java. In the last 12 months around 7000 women have attended our health programmes.


Topics discussed with women include raising awareness on essential health topics; improving health related behaviours; addressing common myths around potentially harmful health practices and beliefs and, building confidence to discuss health related topics at home and at work


When discussing essential health topics, the following themes are discussed: how to provide and cook healthy nutritious meals for themselves and their children; personal and menstrual hygiene; how to look after yourself during pregnancy & the benefits of breastfeeding once the baby is born; childhood immunisations; common childhood illnesses and, how to access medical treatment.


Improving health related behaviours such as hand washing is also included, alongside how to access preventative care and conducting breast self-examinations.


Ensuring these women have the information and access to services that they need to prevent and treat disease and maintain their health is vital:

  • It is a key aspect of delivering the basic human right to a healthy life

  • It makes an important contribution to economic progress, as healthy populations live longer, are more productive, and save more

  • It allows women to plan their families and shape their lives in a proactive way

  • It helps women to educate their children on health, improving well-being across generations


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