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Feminine Hygiene Solutions & Reproductive Education

There are 1.8 billion girls and women of reproductive age in the world. The effective, hygienic management of menstruation is essential for women and girls to participate in society with dignity and comfort. A UNICEF/WHO report (2015) stated at least 500 million women and girls lack adequate facilities for managing their periods.

review of studies from Oxford University in 2016, found in Africa, the Middle East, and Asia at least half of the girls in the low and middle income populations sampled, did not have access to effective menstrual hygiene solutions. This included a lack of access to clean absorbents, facilities to change, clean or dispose of these as needed, and access to soap and water for cleaning the body and absorbents


After the reproductive health training for schoolgirls in West Timor

The Foundation for Mother & Child Health in UK and Indonesia are collaborating with the 'Priscilla Hall Foundation' and 'Days for Girls' to provide the first DfG project in Indonesia. FMCH-Indonesia are providing reproductive health education and distributing menstruation kits for teenage schoolgirls in the remote rural area of West Timor in Indonesia. A pilot study delivering 100 kits  and providing health and reproductive education for schoolgirls was successfully carried out in 2017. See evaluation report here.  Another 350 schoolgirls in West Timor will be the recipients of this essential programme during 2018.


The 'Supreme Days for Girls Kit' given to girls in West Timor are made by teams of volunteers in Australia who generously donate their time to make them. Once made, the PriscillaHall Foundation arrange for collection at a central point in Australia and delivery to Kupang in West Timor. Once in Kupang, the kits are collected and distributed by FMCH Indonesia - who also provide the reproductive health training.  

The kits are made from brightly coloured material to camouflage staining and the absorbent liners unfold to look like a washcloth to avoid embarrassment when girls hang them outside to dry.

Each kit contains the following:

  • 2 x Shields

  • 8 x Liners

  • 2 panties

  • 1 small soap

  • 1 washcloth

  • 1 menstrual chart & pictorial instruction 

  • 2 x gallon-size (2.4L) freezer bags

  • 1 Drawstring Bag

Foundation for Mother & Child Health has distributed kits and provide reproductive health education to 350 schoolgirls in West Timor during 2018.

 Training on Reproductive Health in West Timor

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